Friday, December 09, 2005

And about books...

It's been torture to finish "The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth because it's well done and therefore terrifying; Nazis take over America, to sum up. I think I'm especially sensitive because I'm working in an agency with muzuzahs on the doors and Hebrew popping up every once and awhile, as well as that Orthodox guy with the side curls. Today on the train it's finally looking up; LaGuardia is giving a rousing speech at Walter Winchell's funeral, there has been forshadowing, America might just make it, and then something doesn't make sense and I realize that page 304 is followed by page 49. Pages 49-80 have replaced the correct pages and then it's page 337 and I don't want to miss everything. Now I have to go to Borders and convince them that they sold me this broken book. Those fuckers.

This happened to me once before, with "Infinite Jest"--900+ pages in and there are 50 pages missing. That book had no plot, though, and so it wasn't as jarring, or tragic, and at first I thought it was a super clever device of Fancy Pants Author and that I was supposed to be learning something. Whatever. I didn't learn jack.

The other thing about books is that Book Lover Dude did take me out and--surprise, surprise--it was not that great. I realize now that it isn't the fault of books and so as soon as I can find one that isn't broken I am going to read it right up. I'm taking the Amtrak to Kalamazoo today and that leaves me about two days of uninterrupted reading while the train is stuck in an avalanche--two days before I have to eat that obese guy in seat 8F.


Blogger jimmy said...

I had that happen once with a Bible! Right in the middle of Psalms there was a whole section from Job. What a buzz kill.

2:30 AM  

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