American Idol made it all better. Tonight's finale, no joke, no fucking way, was the greatest two hours of television I have ever seen. It's up there with A Farewell to Jim Henson. I am Lee Greenwood right now, it made me so proud to be an American. I thought that I would die when MARY J and Elliot sang U2's "One." It was perfect. If you looked closely at the background there was a unicorn bathing in a waterfall made of our hopes and dreams and Jesus waved shyly from behind Mary's smile.
And then there were those hot dancers and Prince came out and effectively slayed the entire audience, nay, the 200 million world wide viewers. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I will be thinking of ways to describe The Greatest Night of Television Ever to my grandchildren. They won't get it. They won't know who Dionne Warwick is, and what she did tonight. I don't think that I could have even dreamt Mary J and Elliot singing 'One' but when I saw it I realized that the producers of American Idol have somehow listened to my soul. Sister felt that way when Meatloaf and Katharine sang Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back To Me." And then, after Prince, after he came out and I jumped up and screamed, the two finalists sang "Time of My Life" from Dirty Fucking Dancing.
The producers of that show have tapped into the American pop music psyche and possibly healed the world. If I can sleep tonight I fully expect to wake up to the news that George W. Bush has been deposed, the Iraq War is over, there wasn't a murder in Chitown, and the dodo bird has returned from extinction. Since God is the real American Idol, can I thank you, Lord, via the blogosphere? That was magic. Perfection. Thank you.