Listen, seriously, this blog sucks. I have no wision, as they say in Armenia. I am working on this. I am thinking all day and taking in all this pain and straight up fascination all day and wouldn't it be nice if I could ball it all up in a haiku and put in on the internet? I would feel so much better and you would have read the greatest haiku ever! A summation of the human condition and all the awesome love and pain in the universe!
I'm working on it. Seriously. Maybe I'll take a class. And use the class to meet men AND explore the inner reaches of my soul, blah blah blah: bookish men. Until I have fully developed my writing voice or met the bookish man of my next couple of months, I watch Project Runway. I pretend that Santino Rice is my best friend in Chicago and we make eachother LAUGH and he is never mean to me. He takes the clothes I own but only mildly like and he makes them super hot. Tacks some shredded fabric on them and some cording. We have good times, maybe I ride on his back down Michigan Ave. If inside jokes were discounted underwear then we would be Big Lots. If good times were hot coffee then we'd be Dunkin' Donuts!