Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ryan Holland Syndrome
Ryan Holland Syndrome primarily infects the workplace, and is rampant in the word of human services. Competence is rewarded with more work and a dull, aching sense of obligation, whereas incompetence is met with a shrug and a lighthearted sense of understanding and fun. Ryan Holland Syndrome feels like getting strep in your career, and those with big, weepy hearts are most susceptible.
Preventive measures are most effective, and involve: 1) being tuff, 2) repping for yourself, and 3) not letting people put their trip on you. If you know my very Best Friend, you should call her, and she will make you feel better: "You know what you get when you put up with peoples' bullshit? More bullshit." Say it, sister.
Anyway, leaving this job is getting impossible. Keeping things casual with dudes is impossible. There is nothing in this world with no strings attached, if you are St. Renegade. That is a good thing. Strings are good. They just have to be clean, and strong, and made out of the braided gossamer of a unicorn's mane.


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